Aspens Spring I

Aspens Spring I

Mary LaGarde finished her latest painting.  The painting, Aspens Spring I, is oil on canvas and is 36″ X 60″.  Mary is a portrait painter by background.  She decided recently to use the Venetian method of portrait painting to create...
Aspens Spring III

Aspens Spring III

Mary completed her latest portrait of Aspens in the Spring.  Mary found these trees while hiking at the base of Mt. Evans in Colorado.   Share...
Aspens Spring II

Aspens Spring II

Mary completed another painting as part of her Aspens series.  She is using the Venetian technique which starts with a charcoal sketch she draws directly onto the canvas.   Share...
Genevieve at Clam Pass

Genevieve at Clam Pass

Mary painted her granddaughter Genevieve on the beach at Clam Pass in Naples, Florida.  The painting is oil on canvas and is 18″ x  24″.   The painting is a hybrid between the 19th Century impressionist method and the traditional classical approach. Share...
Aspens Winter I

Aspens Winter I

 The subject of Mary’s painting is an old aspen tree she found while hiking near Mount Evans in Colorado.  As usual, she used the Venetian painting technique which is very time-consuming.  She started with a charcoal under-drawing.  The...